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Well kids I have been busy of late, but got some unexpected good news. This assignment is ending this week. This week has been just one big festering assclam of hate. I have been doing front desk duty the past two days which sucks ass. I can do it and I do "break" the person who is the receptionist, but 8 hours I just want to punch someone in the mouth. I hate the barrage of calls mostly for jackasses who think being put into voicemail is worse than being beaten with a rake. I keep hearing "I want to talk to someone about my account or bill no one gets back to me". Well if you improve that attitude and pay your bill in a timely matter maybe people would talk to you. To all of you people may someone punch you in the colon.

But Monday afternoon I got a pardon from the governor. Why do I feel more confident in the metaphorical governor in that phrase than I do in our alleged governor? I had just gotten back from a short lunch, in which I drove by the agency where I wanted to walk in and say, "I am done. I can not handle this any more", I was having my will to live being drained from me, my rep from the Temp agency came in. She said hello and then gave me a serious look, like "Matt we know you have been stealing weapons grade plutonium and pens and we know you running a midget rodeo out back." But it was better. She told me that they were moving the customer service department to Canada. Thank you NAFTA! I am going to be out of this assignment and I still look good doing it. But the only drawback to being a free man is I will be spending it cleaning our house as we will be having the BH's dad and wife coming down for a state visit. Yikes! There is so much shit to be done and I am not the man to do it, well do it right. But I will try. So it is back to free agent pool. I swear I think I am becoming the Vinny Testeverde of temps.