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Right now, I know that this blog is not very interesting and that there is very little traffic to see this work of art so I am asking for help from the good people in blog world to help out and give me suggestions on how I can improve this blog, other than quit. I would like to spice it up and make it something you can hang on the fridge next to your kid‘s finger painting. Maybe if I can improve the looks. I can find a writer to add content to it. Free "mints" with comments.


Eric XXL said...

Dearest Boski... We love you just the way you are. But if that doesn't convince you then here are a couple of suggestions:

Get a site tracker to see just how many visits your're getting. It will also show people linking to you:

Extreme TrackingThey will provide a snippet of code to add to your template that will help analyze traffic.

Also, a blogroll on the sidebar helps. A great many people can be guilted in granting reciprocal links once they see you are a referrer:

BlogrollingAnd when in doubt, just add some nekkid pictures.

Send mints please!