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Well he would be trying like hell to get out of his grave. No I am back for more bad blogging. Again it sucks, I have very little access here at work. They actually want me to do something here. Also the home PC has gone walkabout and is being looked at our friend. The computer decided that all of our photo's, documents and most importantly music just did not need to be on out computer any longer. We are hoping that my friend can talk our PC down from the ledge. He going to find out if the computer is bluffing, because the Better Half and myself will be pissed if all the music we downloaded is gone. Well that will teach me never to trust a Commodore 64.

So I just have my stolen moments to type away.

Well I need to let everyone know that Blogger cut me the other day. It felt I had too big of a cap number to justify my craptastic blogging. Oh sure I resigned at league minimum, but I think I will be probably cut in August to be replaced by a blog about Hello Kitty. If I am cut I may have to look to Arena Blog of CFBlog. Maybe I could be the Kurt Warner of Blogging. No wont happen, the Better Half does not have the crazy like Kurt's wife.