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Thankfully I only have about a half an hour to ramble so I will be quick. I could be here all night raging about Alfred E. Douchebag. Next time there is a meeting of the most powerful states in the world can we send someone who is competent, hey I will even take someone of an opposing view point just as long as the person can speak. I swear they must all be laughing when George leaves the room. Which makes me ask the question, do you think the members of the G-8 ask Bush to go find the ID10T box. George, you are making Mr. Putin look like David fucking Chapplle. Also George when you hanging with a former KGB man, there is always a mic on. So wake the fuck up.

I do not know what is scarier these days?

That we have a dangerous situation in the MidEast and he's the one supposedly running the show.


That there are wack jobs who think we need to step up fighting, and that the World War III has begun. Yeah hey we have done such a great job in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Media Matters)

I must stop or I am going to break something.

I promise you the Boski Reader that I will return the moronic childish tripe that you are use to.