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Avast ye bilge rat bloggers!

Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day, you landlubers!

Arrrr, I do love talking like a pirate. So all ye give thanks to Old Chumbucket and Captain Slappy. Arrr they be doing a great service for piratekind, mateys.

Aye it takes me back to my days being a Pirate of the Caribean and sailing on the sailing ship Columbia. Arrr those where the days.

Ahoy mateys, I must get back to the ropes. My boss has delivered me a boradside for send ye olde TPX Report without the right cover sheet to the poopdeck. If I do it a again I be getting a keel hauling.

So yo ho me bloggers, yo ho!


Eric XXL said...

Oh noooo - too much chaos!

Totsie said...

*snicker* Julie

Boski93 said...

Burp....sorry I should have left some for everyone.