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I think the words of Dean Wormer fit,

"Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life."

Let me sidebar real quick. I had a friend that I worked with at the Mouse House. Who before his wedding, was out with his future wife's parents. They were enjoying a some what pleasant meal. My friend was sensing that her parents were still a little tense. So when it came time for the fortune cookies he used that same line.

Thankfully there was still a wedding.

But back on Borat, now it seems everyone along with the buffoons mentioned above have their hand out over this movie. Even the Romanian town that filled in for Kazakhstan is suing. Sure it would be nice if they got a few more bucks, but they signed a release. So to paraphrase Borat he would say of the situation, "I got i-pod, so they got i-pod mini. Everybody know that i-pod mini's are for girls. SUCCESS!".