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I should have seen it coming. There I was crowing how I can now injure or maim myself. Well little did I know I would have to put my new benefits into action. Tuesday morning after a crappy night of sleep when I got out of my car to go into the office, I was mugged and assaulted by the flu, that bastard. Man I felt sore, cold so in a word awful. I tired to get through a the day at work but thankfully I was ordered home. Thankfully it was only the flu, I was worried I had been struck down by Pro-Bowl Fever, hey it's catching.

So since that Tuesday I have been trying to recover from that viral ass beating. So today with they help of the love of my wonderful wife and powerful antibiotics I can see colors again. So I hope to be back blogging with my usual nonsense.


Silliyak said...

Hope you're feeling better. Although most all star games make me nauseous, I don't think it's a virus, it's just sickening to watch talented prima donnas play "pretend".

Boski93 said...

I am feeling better, but could I venture to guess that from your comment that you do not watch the NBA regular season then.

Boski93 said...

I am feeling better, but could I venture to guess that from your comment that you do not watch the NBA regular season then.