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on the whole Iran having nukes issue. I ask that they do not use it against Israel or any other nation. I just ask them to use it against these people who reside in my county.

I want them all to be harmed.

If not by nukes, then at least beaten with rakes, or rotting deli meat, along with their kids. Thanks for being a bunch of assbags and making this hood look even worse. We are still trying to get over the O.C. Look we have enough a-holes here, we do not need to give the rest of the world more reason to hate. Look I am glad these yahoo's have made money and enjoy it. Kudos to them, but this show hurts my head with your pompousness and ignorance. Yet there were too many moments where I got to laugh at your and your children's shame and ignorance and shenanigans. This was a show my wife watched, hey it can't be NIT/NFL Europa/Dutch Soccer all the time.

Are you all bunch a-holes?

No, but there were too many moments where I just want to harm all of you that's all.

Sure I know that some, or maybe all of this comes from a place of jealousy. With backyards bigger than my home. Hey I am going to get envious. I will also get peeved that there are good people in the county who can't find a home they can afford, but that just HFH in me. Look, I am only human to get pissed to see some dumb ass clueless child rolling in a tricked out 3 Series, as their first car. I would like to say that would I hope to see the kids crash their cars (not a crash to harm them or others, I am not a total a-hole), but knowing with this group. About 10 minutes after the crash they would be rolling in new and better vehicle that runs on Plutonium.

I must stop or I am going to give myself and aneurysm.

So to the Real Housewives I say go back behind the gates of Coto. I will be outside preparing a kick ass siege tower to lay waste to all of you.

I am Paul Harvey