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Lost Blog!

If anyone has seen this blogger or any of his current blog entries

please report it to the civil authorities or animal control.

Reward: Your own Boskicrafted reference to the Hapsburg's


Silliyak said...

I was worried you were running off with TOT!

Totsie said...

We've been figured out!

Silliyak said...

Are you speechless at the performance of my now best buddy Armando "Aren't I thin" Benitez thus unable to put fingers to keyboard?

Eric XXL said...

I need some entertainment, so please get cracking. Note, this will be your only warning

Silliyak said...

Was the title another typo and actually meant to be LAST BLOG?

Silliyak said...

Are you suffering from Bloggers block due to the awesomeness of your previous entries and too intimidated to try?
Are you in jail for assaulting your M-I-L ?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Personally I'm so upset I'm on hiatus until you return, or maybe a bit longer.

Anonymous said...

Hey. Where's Boski?

Silliyak said...

Hey, I'm posting again, you can do it. I miss you man!