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you have the oven set to evil.

Those were oven's that if the secret ingredient is love, then it's a love that requires a restraining order.

Hey parents just play it safe and get your kids something they will love.

Log - from Blammo

What rolls down stairs
Alone or in pairs
Rolls over your neighbor's dog.

What's great for a snack
And fits on your back
It's log, log, log!

It's lo-og, lo-og,
It's big, it's heavy, it's wood.
It's lo-og, lo-og,
It's better than bad, it's good.

Everyone wants a log,
You're gonna love it, log
Come on and get your log,
Everyone needs a log...


Anonymous said...

Maybe a better choice could be "Johnny Switchblade: Adventure Punk", or "Bag O' Glass": http://snltranscripts.jt.org/76/76jconsumerprobe.phtml

Boski93 said...

I miss Bag o' Glass.