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I have been having a beeeaaattccchhh of a time composing the frist one. Also as it seems for all of us, as we try to start on work something we have been holding off or avoiding. Something or somethings comes along and keep you from it. Right now work and a family emergency are keeping me from terrorizing the blogging world.


Silliyak said...

Best wishes on the family emergency. They take priority for sure.

B. Freret said...

What silliyak said.

Silliyak said...

And I can pass along some tips about Nigerean gold if you'd like.

B. Freret said...

oh mr boski
i wonder where you are now
i am very sad

Silliyak said...

You've taken a job in the Bush administration haven't you? "I haven't forgottenthis blog" "There are WMD's in Iraq" etc etc
Shame on you sir!
Sniff sniff, NOT EVEN leaving comments on your rare visits!

Silliyak said...

I'm pretty sure you're still alive, and also bored enough to visit my blog, (but not bored enough to say hi) What's going on?