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Hey remember back a few post when I said,

Hey I spent a week on a horse - actually got back from that trip two weeks ago.
I swear I will put the Snapfish link when my wife is done. But we spent a week
in Bridgeport CA at a place called Hunewill Ranch. So now I can say I have
punched some doggies.
Well I finally broke down and scooped up the pics from our trip, we have been busy and Snapfish can go try to fornicate with itself. I still marvel that I made the trip and I did not injury myself or get eaten by wolves. I am not great in nature, or as Ma Boski succinctly put when I told her I was going to go to Yosemite with some friends over Spring Break. She said,

"Boski, we are just not an outdoor people."

It seems that the Boski clan took to domestication quite quickly when arriving from Ireland. So just think of me a house cat that blogs poorly. Any way the trip went well, I stayed on my horse the entire time. So please sit back and enjoy some nice photos (taken by the Better Half) with some questionable content (me)

Here is a shot of room. Rustic, but nice. It had a giant closet that we essentially turned into our " Tack Room".

Here is a shot of the lodging of our friends and the view we got to see everyday. Not too shabby.

Here is yours truly riding the plains. I knew all those quarters spent outside the Supermarket would pay off.

Here is another glimpse of the majestic Eastern Sierras. If you go West, but do not "Go West" since you don't want to close your eyes. (I am sorry for the bad 80's reference there, I can't help it.) Wait where was I? But if you go over the mountains you are on the backside of Yosemite.

Ah here are some doggies that we punched, okay we did not punch them, but these are a couple of bulls that my wife and some of the advanced riders got to herd.

Here is nice shot from the barn, looking out over the pastures.

Look some dork on a hay ride.

A nice dusk shot of some of the ranch land.

Here I am dragging up the rear on the breakfast ride. Even though this was day four I was still looking for the radio dial. Also embarrassingly enough I rode the whole week with my left turn signal on.

On the day five they packed some of us up and drove out to a spot called Twin Lakes. I was hoping Twin Peaks, I have always wanted to meet the Log Lady, sadly it was not. What was not sad was the ride through Toiyabe National Forest and the Hoover Wilderness .

From the lake we gained a good bit of elevation as we traversed some steep switchbacks and through the beautiful flora. Damn it was a long ride. Beautiful, but long.

It was all worth it when we reached our destination, Barney Lake.

Not too shabby huh.

Like Randy from "A Christmas Story" I laid their like a slug, it was my only defense. No it was nice being able to stretch out.

A smile to scare off any wildlife.

After lunch took a shot with my trust steed. God bless Redman, he was a trooper putting up with me. Also to answer any questions this horse was not high at all during the week.

Well it was time finally to go, here I am giving Redman a farewell carrot, after our last afternoon ride. I think it almost looked like I knew what I was doing.

Soon after the carrot and the saddle came off, he bolted for the safety of the pasture and the start of his weekend.

The only thing that really sucked about the trip was just right after this, we were enjoying the farewell dinner. About halfway through I quickly felt awful. It was like I was coming down with either Dengue Fever, dropsy or something. It ended up just being a cold, however a cold and stuffy head at altitude sucks. My wife dealt with it coming up and now here I was bring it back down the mountain. Great. Never the less I highly recommend the experience. We will definitely do it again sometime in the future.


Silliyak said...

Very nice. Don't sweat the turnsignal, there's a recall notice out on those. Turns out they were manufactured by a division of Time Warner.

Eric XXL said...

I had dropsy once, oh it was awful.

Nice pics, beautiful scenery. Man, I miss the west coast :(

Boski93 said...

Silly - I knew it those bastards are into everything.

Eric - the West Coast misses you sir.