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To my wonderful neighbor who was nice enough to have a meeting of the minds. Thanks for being a jackass and sparking up the cannabis with your delightful friends. I was really happy that you got things rolling at 10:30 and kept the party going on till 3:00. Just loud enough to keep us awake, because it was too f'in hot to keep the window closed, but not loud enough to bother others. We should have said something, like "please keep it down" or "We are coming over to punch all of you in the face". We walked over to the young derelicts house to see if this was going to be a big party, if so then it easier for the cops to break up. Sadly no, but I so wanted to urinate on your car you ferret humping bastard. I do hope you choke on your own bile and that you have your nuts crushed by midgets with toffee hammers.

Other than that, god bless.