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I was getting gas for the Boskimoblie when I saw that they were selling Von Dutch Energy Drink.

Seriously WTF?

No, I need an answer here. Why? Isn't that against EPA regulations or something?

Great, it's the new Crystal Pepsi for a retarded generation.

Hey, who needs cures for cancer, AIDS, or even something that has nutritional value to anyone other than a dentist?

All the worlds problems can be solved with another shitty energy drink.

That's what TV told me and TV is never wrong.


MMA Media Advantage said...

How can you rag on Von Dutch Energy Drink?

Like, what ev's, dude.

GoodTimesDad said...

Maybe it's a trick, a Trojan horse, if you will, designed to kill off every loser who wears a von dutch trucker hat titled to the side (or straight, whatever) or von dutch shirt.

That would be cool!

GoodTimesDad said...

I meant tilted.

Boski93 said...

We can dream, we can dream.