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As part of my pay here. I am charged with the import responsiblity of making football picks on company time. Here is what I am going with this week:

Ten 31 - 28 Hou
Atl 23 - 20 S.D.
Buf 17 - 13 Mia
Clev 21 - 18 Cinn
Det 28 - 24 G.B.
Was 19 - 14 Chi
K.C. 27 - 24 Jax
Phi 24 - 16 Car
N.E. 23 - Sea 16
N.Y.J. 27 - 16 S.F.
Den 19 - Oak 17
Pit 19 - 16 Dal
Min 38 - 26 N.O.
St. L 24 - 13 T.B.

So about late afternoon Sunday if you smell something putrid. Most likely it is these picks. Thank you coming out and enjoy the Fish.